Breakout2 Speaker
Yin Ding
Yin DingHua wei Chief Virtualization Technologist

Dr. Yin Ding is the new generation Virtualization Technologist at Huawei IT product line. Yin is responsible for creating and communicating technical vision and strategy for Cloud Infrastructure and Container Technology business. He works closely with IT Product line R&D teams to bring the new generation cloud technology into Huawei IT products. Before joining Huawei, Yin spent over ten years at Microsoft and VMware working on platform and cloud computing. Yin holds Ph.D in Computer Science from Arizona State University, bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Computer Science from Tsinghua University.

Topic:How we meet the challenges brought by distributed data center

Massive distributed edge cloud, large scale cloud and hybrid cloud scenarios bring new requirements to OpenStack deployment. Tricircle is an OpenStack project aiming to tackle the above use cases by providing OpenStack API gateway and networking automation.  As OpenStack is evolving to support container technology, Kuryr is a Docker network plug-in that uses Neutron to provide networking services to Docker container, Fuxi project Enables Docker container to use Cinder volume and Manila share. In this presentation, we will discuss the use cases and motivation of Tricircle project, and also cover the technical details of Tricircle project. Also we show how to utilize Kuryr and Fuxi to unify VM and container networks, persistent storages to make containers to be “first class citizens”of OpenStack.