多功能厅B 演讲嘉宾

林培峰:现任SUSE中国区技术总监,负责虚拟化/容器/云计算/软件定义存储等开 源解决方案的架构。超过14年的开源软件研发和解决方案架构经验,对开源技术 一直怀有浓厚的兴趣,积极参与开源项目,是国内早期OpenStack布道者之一。


Deploying a private cloud is hard work. It is complex. It can take a lot of time just to set up and manage a basic cloud. With SUSE OpenStack Cloud you can have your cloud up and running in hours not days. By integrating the Crowbar project with OpenStack, SUSE OpenStack Cloud simpli es the deployment and ongoing administration of your physical cloud infrastructure. Crowbar eases the pain of installation by providing a logical, streamlined process for setting up SUSE OpenStack Cloud. And SUSE OpenStack Cloud still provides you with the maximum exibility to take advantage of the con guration options of OpenStack to meet your speci c needs. By reducing the complexity of cloud installation and management with SUSE OpenStack Cloud, you can immediately bene t from your move to the cloud.